Harnessing the Power of Mixture-of-Experts (MoE): Innovations for Scaling Large Language Models

11 min readJan 14, 2024
Photo by Vlad Hilitanu on Unsplash

In the realm of large language models (LLMs), the quest for increasing model capacity without incurring prohibitive computational costs has led to the adoption of a novel architecture paradigm. One such approach that has gained traction is the Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) method. The MoE is a machine learning paradigm that involves a collection of expert models (Feed-Forward Networks or MLPs) and a gating mechanism (MLPs) to dynamically select which ‘expert’ neural networks to utilize for a given input, allowing the model to dynamically allocate compute resources.

The MoE approach stands out because it can significantly increase the number of parameters in a model without a proportional increase in computation during training and inference. This is achieved by keeping only a subset of the parameters active for each input.

This blog post delves into the intricacies of MoE methods, each of which has contributed significantly to the advancement of LLMs. We will explore the main concepts, benefits, and seminal papers that have defined this approach.

Sparse Mixture-of-Experts (Sparse MoE) [1]

The Sparse MoE is an early and influential approach that introduced the idea of using a sparsely-gated MoE layer to route inputs to a select number of experts, thus keeping the computation manageable. This was a departure from earlier dense MoE models, where all experts were active for each input.

  • Sparsity: In Sparse MoE, each input activates only a small subset of experts, making the model computationally efficient.
  • Gating Network: A trainable component that decides which experts should be active for a given input based on the input data itself.
  • Load Balancing: Techniques to ensure that each expert is utilized roughly equally, avoiding scenarios where some experts become overburdened while others are underutilized.
  • Capacity and Expertise: Each expert can specialize in different parts of the input space, allowing the model to handle a wide variety of inputs with high capacity.

GShard [2]

Expanding on sparse MoE, GShard showcased the ability to train exceptionally large models across multiple devices with a distributed setup. It emphasized the importance of model parallelism and efficient routing to achieve state-of-the-art results in machine translation.

  • Model Parallelism: GShard is designed to be trained across multiple devices, leveraging parallelism to handle very large models.
  • Conditional Computation: The model computes only what’s necessary for each input, enabling scalability to trillions of parameters.
  • Automatic Sharding: GShard uses an algorithm to automatically and efficiently distribute the model parameters and computation across devices.

Switch Transformers [3]

The Switch Transformer model improved upon previous MoE methods by refining the token-to-expert routing algorithm and ensuring a balanced distribution of work among the experts. The result was a model that could scale to trillions of parameters more efficiently.

  • Efficient Sparsity: The Switch Transformer improves upon the gating mechanism to route tokens to experts more efficiently, reducing computational resources.
  • Balanced Assignment: It uses a technique to evenly distribute tokens to experts, ensuring a balanced computational load.
  • Scalability: The model demonstrates that it’s possible to train language models with trillions of parameters efficiently, proving the concept’s scalability.

BASE Layers [4]

BASE Layers combined a bottleneck attention mechanism with a sparsely-gated MoE, specifically addressing the integration of MoE with the prevalent attention-based Transformer models.

  • Bottleneck Attention: BASE Layers introduce a bottleneck structure that reduces the dimensionality of attention mechanisms before feeding data into the MoE layer.
  • Sparse Experts: Similar to other MoE approaches, BASE layers use sparsely activated experts to handle different aspects of the data.
  • Integration with Transformers: BASE Layers are designed to be easily integrated with existing Transformer architectures.

Hash Layers [5]

Hash Layers proposed a novel hashing-based routing mechanism to improve the efficiency of assigning inputs to experts. This technique sought to reduce the computational overhead associated with gating mechanisms.

  • Hashing-Based Routing: Hash Layers use a hash function to quickly route inputs to experts, aiming to reduce the overhead of traditional gating mechanisms.
  • Scalability and Efficiency: The hashing approach allows Hash Layers to scale to a large number of experts without significantly increasing computational complexity.

GLaM [6]

GLaM focused on optimizing the training and serving of very large language models. It introduced a two-stage training procedure and a unique gating mechanism that enhanced the efficiency of MoE models.

  • Two-Stage Training: GLaM uses a two-stage training approach that first pre-trains the individual experts on a variety of tasks and then fine-tunes the gating mechanism.
  • Efficient Gating: The gating mechanism in GLaM is designed to be highly efficient, enabling the model to be served in a production environment with minimal overhead.
  • Diverse Expertise: By training on a wide range of tasks, experts in GLaM develop diverse specializations that collectively contribute to the model’s performance.

DeepSpeed-MoE [7]

DeepSpeed-MoE is designed to optimize both the training and inference phases of MoE models. It achieves this by employing techniques such as expert parallelism, which distributes experts across multiple GPUs, and by optimizing communication patterns to reduce overhead. The result is a system that can scale to trillions of parameters while remaining efficient and practical for real-world applications.

  • DeepSpeed Integration: DeepSpeed-MoE is integrated with the DeepSpeed library, which is designed to optimize the training of very large models by reducing memory footprint, increasing the speed of training, and simplifying scalability across GPUs.
  • ZeRO-Infinity: This approach builds on the ZeRO (Zero Redundancy Optimizer) technology to scale memory optimization even further, enabling training models with trillions of parameters.
  • 3D Parallelism: DeepSpeed-MoE uses a combination of data, pipeline, and tensor-slicing parallelism to distribute the MoE model’s computational load across multiple GPUs and nodes.

ST-MoE [8]

Stability in training large-scale MoE models can be a challenge due to the complex interplay between experts and the gating mechanism. ST-MoE addresses this by introducing a set of training techniques and architectural choices that promote stability. Additionally, it focuses on transferability, ensuring that the trained model can be effectively applied to a variety of tasks without extensive fine-tuning. This approach not only improves the robustness of MoE models but also enhances their practicality for deployment across different domains.

  • Stability: ST-MoE addresses the stability issues that can arise in MoE models during training. The authors propose techniques to stabilize the training process, which is crucial for achieving good performance.
  • Transferability: This method focuses on the transferability of the MoE model to various downstream tasks. It ensures that the model, once trained, can be effectively applied to different domains or problems.
  • Sparse Expert Models: ST-MoE continues to emphasize the importance of sparsity in experts, optimizing both for performance and efficiency.

Mixture-of-Experts with Expert Choice Routing [9]

This method proposes a new routing algorithm that revolutionizes the selection process of experts. Unlike traditional MoE models that use a separate gating mechanism to determine the routing of inputs, this method allows the experts to compete for each token. This competition-based routing means that experts actively engage in the selection process, leading to a more direct and potentially more efficient form of specialization. This innovative approach has the potential to greatly enhance the performance and the specialization of experts in handling diverse and complex tasks.

  • Expert Choice Routing: This method introduces a new routing algorithm where the experts themselves compete for each token, rather than relying on a separate gating mechanism to make routing decisions. This leads to a more direct and potentially more effective way for experts to specialize.
  • Efficient Training: The approach aims to train MoE models more efficiently by reducing computational overhead and improving the scaling of the number of parameters.
  • Improved Expert Utilization: By allowing experts to choose the tokens they process, this method can lead to better utilization of the experts and potentially improve the overall performance of the model.

Each MoE method listed above represents a breakthrough in the design and training of scalable LLMs. The common thread in these approaches is the selective activation of model parameters, enabling the growth of model size without a corresponding linear increase in computation.

Challenges and Problems

While Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) architectures offer a promising approach for scaling up model capacity, they also introduce a set of challenges and open problems that researchers and practitioners need to address. Here’s a summary of some of the key challenges associated with MoE models:

  1. Load Balancing: One of the critical issues with MoE is ensuring that the workload is evenly distributed among the experts. If some experts are consistently selected more often than others, it can lead to under-utilization of model capacity and inefficiencies in training and inference. Developing efficient load-balancing algorithms that can dynamically adjust the routing of inputs is an ongoing challenge.
  2. Routing Mechanism: The complexity of the routing mechanism that decides which expert to use for a given input can significantly affect the performance and scalability of the model. Designing a routing mechanism that is both efficient and effective, and that scales with the number of experts without introducing bottlenecks, remains a challenge.
  3. Stability and Convergence: Training MoE models can sometimes lead to instability and convergence issues. The dynamic nature of routing inputs to different experts can cause training instability if not carefully managed. Finding ways to stabilize the training process is an important area of research.
  4. Expert Specialization: Encouraging experts to specialize in different aspects of the input space without overlapping too much is important for maximizing the benefits of the MoE architecture. However, achieving this specialization without manual intervention or complex training procedures is challenging.
  5. Computational Overhead: Although MoE models aim to increase parameter count without a proportional increase in computation, the gating and routing mechanisms themselves introduce computational overhead. Minimizing this overhead while maintaining effective routing is a key problem.
  6. Communication Overhead: In distributed training settings, MoE models can suffer from high communication overhead due to the need to exchange information between different experts located on different devices. Optimizing communication strategies is necessary to make distributed training of MoE models more efficient.
  7. Model (Expert) Parallelism: Efficiently parallelizing MoE models across multiple devices is challenging due to the need for synchronization and data exchange between the experts. Developing parallelism strategies that can effectively leverage hardware resources is crucial.
  8. Generalization and Transferability: Ensuring that MoE models generalize well to new tasks and can transfer their expertise effectively is not straightforward. Models might overfit to the routing patterns seen during training, which can limit their performance on new, unseen data.
  9. Resource Allocation: Deciding on the optimal allocation of computational resources to different experts is a non-trivial problem. The trade-off between the number of parameters, the number of experts, and the computational budget needs to be carefully balanced.
  10. Interpretability and Explainability: MoE models, due to their complexity and dynamic routing, can be difficult to interpret and explain, which is a challenge for deployment in domains where understanding model decisions is critical.
  11. Inference Efficiency: While MoE models can be efficiently trained, ensuring that they remain efficient during inference, especially in real-time applications, is a challenge due to the need to perform routing decisions on the fly.

Addressing these challenges requires continued research and innovation in algorithm design, optimization techniques, and hardware utilization. As the field progresses, we can expect to see novel solutions that make MoE models more practical and effective for a wide range of applications.


The Mixture-of-Experts paradigm has opened up possibilities for LLMs that were previously constrained by computational limits. By allowing models to scale in parameter size, MoE methods have facilitated richer and more nuanced language understanding and generation capabilities. As we continue to explore the potential of MoE, we may witness the emergence of even more sophisticated and powerful language models, pushing the boundaries of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

This blog post has provided a technical overview of the various MoE methods that are shaping the future of LLMs. By referencing the foundational works mentioned, readers can gain a deeper understanding of how these methods contribute to the field’s progress.


[1] Shazeer, N., Mirhoseini, A., Maziarz, K., Davis, A., Le, Q., Hinton, G., & Dean, J. (2016, November). Outrageously Large Neural Networks: The Sparsely-Gated Mixture-of-Experts Layer. In International Conference on Learning Representations.

[2] Lepikhin, D., Lee, H., Xu, Y., Chen, D., Firat, O., Huang, Y., … & Chen, Z. (2020, October). GShard: Scaling Giant Models with Conditional Computation and Automatic Sharding. In International Conference on Learning Representations.

[3] Fedus, W., Zoph, B., & Shazeer, N. (2022). Switch transformers: Scaling to trillion parameter models with simple and efficient sparsity. The Journal of Machine Learning Research, 23(1), 5232–5270.

[4] Lewis, M., Bhosale, S., Dettmers, T., Goyal, N., & Zettlemoyer, L. (2021, July). Base layers: Simplifying training of large, sparse models. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 6265–6274). PMLR.

[5] Roller, S., Sukhbaatar, S., & Weston, J. (2021). Hash layers for large sparse models. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 34, 17555–17566.

[6] Du, N., Huang, Y., Dai, A. M., Tong, S., Lepikhin, D., Xu, Y., … & Cui, C. (2022, June). Glam: Efficient scaling of language models with mixture-of-experts. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 5547–5569). PMLR.

[7] Rajbhandari, S., Li, C., Yao, Z., Zhang, M., Aminabadi, R. Y., Awan, A. A., … & He, Y. (2022, June). Deepspeed-moe: Advancing mixture-of-experts inference and training to power next-generation ai scale. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 18332–18346). PMLR.

[8] Zoph, B., Bello, I., Kumar, S., Du, N., Huang, Y., Dean, J., … & Fedus, W. (2022). St-moe: Designing stable and transferable sparse expert models. arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.08906.

[9] Zhou, Y., Lei, T., Liu, H., Du, N., Huang, Y., Zhao, V., … & Laudon, J. (2022). Mixture-of-experts with expert choice routing. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 35, 7103–7114.

